Livestock Guardian Dogs
We realized soon after moving to Flower Lion Farm that we would need a livestock guardian dog.
We have a marshy creek that runs through our property that attracts plenty of wildlife, including coyotes. We can hear them loud and clear at night, and they would trot off with our chickens in broad daylight whenever they got a chance. We have also lost a lot of poultry to raccoons. There are also other predators (like hawks, fox, mink, and the occasional mountain lion or bear) in our area. When our neighbors told us that they kept seeing a coyote crouching in the grass and watching our goats in our back pasture, we knew we needed to act.
Livestock Guardian Dogs are working dogs that have been bred for centuries to guard livestock from predators. LGDs are specific breeds of dogs that possess the genetics and instincts necessary to guard livestock. They are raised with and bond with their charges, and have strong instincts to protect their herds and flocks. They are maternal and nurturing with their livestock, caring and gentle with baby goats and lambs, with little to no prey drive. They are not “herding dogs,” but are meant to live among the livestock. LGDs are a “predator-friendly” ranching and farming technique, because their very presence deters predators without any need for lethal measures, and allows livestock to live in harmony within the natural ecosystem. LGDs protect their livestock by barking, marking their territory, and standing their ground when necessary. There are various breeds of LGDs all with their own uses and strengths (depending on types of predators, predator load, and guarding style).
Many LGDs are traditionally wary of people as well- but we knew we wanted a LGD that would be people and family friendly for our small family farm and many guests. We bought our first LGD puppy, Waverly, in 2012. She is a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd/Akbash cross. She greets everyone with pure, gentle affection. She is LOVE. She has big soulful brown eyes; she is unimaginably soft and warm and wise; and she sits regal and calm for her many snuggles and adoration. She was raised out with the livestock 24/7, but she loves her people too. She stays close by (almost attached to our legs it seems) when we are out doing chores, always attentive. She especially loves children, even the ones that hang all over her. Knowing her sweet gentle nature, it is always a shock to see her go into guardian/protection mode. She is a formidable, fierce guardian when necessary. She lives with our livestock, and goes out regularly on patrols to check the perimeter and to mark her territory. Needless to say, we have not had any losses to predators since we got her in 2012. When she was 3 we knew that if we couldn't have Waverly forever, then we wanted to breed her so we could hopefully carry on our "perfect dog." When looking for a LGD stud dog to breed to Waverly, I learned about Colorado Mountain Dogs.
The wonderful qualities of the founding sire, Caspian, and the very idea of Colorado Mountain Dogs (CMDs) sounded so much like our Waverly. CMDs are a newer breed of Livestock Guardian Dogs that are bred specifically for smaller farms and ranches. They are bred to be people-loving and family friendly. They greet guests with affection, but are still highly effective guardians against predator threats. Colorado Mountain Dogs are a cross of LGD breeds that are line-bred back to their founding sire, Caspian. They are bred for temperament, guarding ability, health, and longevity. They are beautiful dogs that are primarily white (but other colors are also accepted) and resemble the Great Pyrenees, but they are taller, leaner and more athletic. They usually have a medium length coat that is thick enough to keep them warm in our Colorado winters, but still soft and easily manageable. CMDs are best suited for farm and ranch homes and are happiest when they have a job to do. But, they can also adapt to be wonderful family pets given the right situation (big yard with good fences, lots of family time, plenty of exercise.) They will guard their owners and family with their gentle presence, and many avid hikers/backpackers/campers choose CMDs to be their partners to protect them and accompany them on their outdoor adventures.
For the official breed club for registering Colorado Mountain Dogs (and for more information about this developing breed) go to the Colorado Mountain Dog Registry. Colorado Mountain Dogs are also recognized and can be registered with the American Rare Breed Association.
About Our Dogs:
We have only had two litters since the start of our farm in 2010 and we take breeding dogs very seriously and strive to be as responsible as possible. For our pet dogs we believe in adopting/rescuing and spaying/neutering! But for working dogs that are bred for a specific job and temperament, we recommend buying your LGD pup from working parents and from a reputable & responsible breeder. Our livestock's lives depend on our dogs, so we only want the best! Waverly had her litter of 7 Caspian pups in November of 2015. We have 2 females from that litter, Clementine and Oakley. They are each just as special and wonderful as their parents, and now work alongside their mother to guard our livestock at Flower Lion Farm. When Clementine was 2, we bred her to another beautiful registered CMD stud, Wexter of Blessed Bit of Earth Farm. She had a litter of 9 gorgeous pups in the spring of 2018. We kept one amazing female puppy from that litter, and we named her Bluebonnet. Our four working LGDs are well-loved and well-respected members of our family and farm. Waverly and Clementine are now spayed, but I am so excited about our future litters from Oakley and Bluebonnet!
Flower Lion Farm Waverly
Matriarch, Barn-Manager, Head of Security.
Breed profile: Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, Akbash
Registration: CMDR, ARBA, CMDA
Health testing: OFA “Excellent” hips
Flower Lion Farm Darling Clementine
Breed profile: Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, Akbash
Registration: CMDR, ARBA, CMDA
Sire: Crack O’ Noon King Caspian’s Journey
Dam: Flower Lion Farm Waverly
Health testing to date: OFA "Good" hips and OFA "Normal" elbows
-Clementine is our “Second in Command.” She is the ideal Colorado Mountain Dog. She is wise and brave and observant. She is quiet and patient and kind. She is a very discerning barker- only barking when there is an immediate threat. She is strikingly beautiful- tall and muscular and pearly white- she looks so much like her handsome father, but with beautiful faded badger markings. She is gentle and respectful of all livestock and takes her job as guardian seriously. She is loving and affectionate with all children and people. She loves her job and prefers to stay with her livestock.
Flower Lion Farm Annie Oakley
Breed profile: Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, Akbash
Registration: CMDR, ARBA
Sire: Crack O’ Noon King Caspian’s Journey
Dam: Flower Lion Farm Waverly
Health testing to date: *OFA hips pending
-Oakley is our smallest female and has a shorter coat length that is silky soft with a hint of gold. But don’t let her dainty, beauty-queen appearance fool you- she also has the biggest, deepest, toughest bark around! She is a tireless guard to our goats- always alert and aware of any potential threat. She is particularly aware of birds of prey, and effectively keeps hawks and owls away from our poultry and small goats. Oakley is our go-to babysitter for any small or baby animal- she is a gentle nurturer with a mother’s heart. Because Clementine takes the night shift in the goat pen, Oakley sleeps in the house at night and enjoys the comforts of being a “house pet.” She loves her snuggles and soft bed, and also loves to join her family on hiking trips and visits to the park or even restaurant patios!
Flower Lion Farm Bluebonnet
Breed profile: Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, Akbash
Registration: CMDR, ARBA
Sire: Blessed Bit of Earth Farm Wexter
Dam: Flower Lion Farm Darling Clementine
Health testing to date: *OFA certifications will be done at age 2
-Bluebonnet is the 3rd generation of CMDs on our farm. We have been SO impressed with this incredibly smart, mellow, and beautiful pup. She was born in the spring of 2018, and she is the biggest of our 4 females! She has a beautiful, thick white coat and kind brown eyes. She is already working and guarding our goats, and she is reliable and gentle. We can't wait to see what the future holds for her!
Check back for future litters! We are planning a litter from Oakley in the fall of 2020, email me at flowerlionfarm@gmail.com to get on our puppy wait list!