Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Bucks (available for stud service for health tested does)
We started our dairy goat herd in 2012 with Nubians and Nigerians and what a wonderful adventure it's been ever since! We now have a performance herd of quality ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats; we travel to as many shows each year as we can, including Nationals! In 2014 we bought Heartbreaker, who would become our herd queen and heart goat- the foundation of our Nigerian dwarf herd today. Not only was Heartbreaker our amazingly productive family milk goat, but when we started showing she easily earned her permanent championship, her milk star, was appraised EEEE91, and earned her Superior Genetics designation in 2020. SGCH Lost Prairie VL Heartbreaker *M is still going strong at age 13 and is enjoying her well earned retirement . Our daughter enjoys showing our beautiful goats at ADGA shows as well as with 4-H. We take pride in our genetics and strive to produce high quality dairy goats that can impress both in the show ring and in the milk pail. We keep a clean herd that is health tested annually. We also participate in Linear Appraisals and Milk Test whenever possible. We sell kids (and some milkers as well) each year. My daughter started her own herd of Lamanchas as well, under the herd name Lazy Daisy Lamanchas. In addition to being a competitive show herd, our goats also provide the rich, delicious milk for our herdshare program, as well as providing the education and adorable entertainment for our farm camp kids and goat yoga classes. Our goats are healthy, happy, and very well-loved.

About Nigerian Dwarf Goats:
Nigerian Dwarf goats are a miniature breed of dairy goats known for their rich, creamy milk that is sweet and high in butterfat (making it the ideal milk for cheese and ice-cream!). Their small size makes them a popular choice for family farms and homesteads. Our ADGA registered Nigerians are all of show-quality bloodlines and excellent milkers.
They each have wonderful and unique personalities, and they can also make excellent pets!